« Windpaths Weekly »


May 19th, 2024


This week is traveling spirit week! Make sure to check the official server for the announcement! This spirit seems to be located in Bird's Nest based on the hint TGC gave so that narrows down who it might be!

The workshop nesting challenge will be available starting tomorrow so make sure to check that out!

Season of Nesting

In 7 days the 4th Nesting quest and the nest and friends Nesting challenge will be available.

There's more news than just this though! TGC released a blog post about some changes that will be coming to the nests and clarified that the rewards from the nesting challenges will be available after the season ends. Some of the things in the works right now include a way to preview other nests without visiting them, new poses for skykids interacting with furniture, adjustments to the bloom and brightness in nests, and the removal of featured nest items from the furniture work shop to avoid confusion.

You can read more about it here:Season of Nesting Updates for 0.25.5

The devs also would like your feedback on the season of Nesting so make sure you go to the the official server and submit feedback about the season and nests! you can do that here:

Still no news on Days of nature!


Communities in Flight


They will be hosting their Traveling spirit guessing challenge again! As always anyone who gets the spirit and the season right will get 3 hearts and people who get either the season or the spirit right will get 1 heart. Only the first 10 people who guessed correctly will win though!

Aurora 2.0

Their art contest is still accepting submissions! Participants have until May 24, 2024 12:00 PM EST to submit their entry for a chance to have their Sky art featured as the server Icon If they enter the Aurora category. Winners from their Aurora and their Days of Nature category will get custom roles!

Note: this segment is from Discord communities that are listed in the Windpaths and have agreed to be a part of the public listing. You can find communities that are not hosting events or in our public listing on our server:SkyPaths


Ancient Memories

Sky and Charity

As many may know TGC uses Days of Nature and Days of Color (formerly Days of Rainbow) to raise money for charities.

During days of nature 2020 proceeds went toOne Tree Plantedto help restore areas affected by wildfires in Australia.

2021 donated to charities that helped marine life and 2022 onwards helped support The Ocean Cleanup

The first days of rainbow only added Rainbows to the realms of Sky during the event as well as colored trail spells but from 2021 onwards some of the IAPs from this event gave all the proceeds to the Trevor Project and the Global Fund for Women


Thank you for reading!
