« Windpaths Weekly »


March 3rd, 2024


This week is TS week! A lot of people expect it to be Hairtossle Teen because of the teaser TGC shared. The TS is usually shared around 1:00 pm GMT-5.

The season will be ending soon! The flower accessory will be available after the season for 50 candles

The following cosmetics will not be available after the season ends

Hotfix Update

The recent hotfix update fixed issues Android players had with accepting friend codes and the issue with rogue Days of Bloom currency causing players to crash.

Days of Bloom

This beloved Sky celebration of Spring returns! Join the spirits in Prairie Peaks from March 25th through 23:59 April 14th! (UTC -7) As the event progresses we'll get to see more flowers bloom. During the first week there will be a downpour in Prairie Peaks that paves the way for the Arum flowers and Lillipads to grow!

There will be 5 event currency to find each day, during the first week Skykids will be able to get 3 from taking their chances with the storm. Get ready for some shocking fun with this event. After the storm clears you'll be able to meditate to become a Jellyfish.

These are the new items that will be coming this year:

All of the flowers will build up to their peak bloom before they fade away. Don't worry about missing out on the beauty of previous years! The flowers from past days of Bloom events will be available for all Skykids to enjoy.

Here's where you can find them all:

If you're looking for items from previous years visit the event shop in Aviary village.

Past IGC items:

Past IAP items (USD):


Communities in Flight


Sora is in the middle of a lot of events! They recently wrapped up their Caught on Cam 2 event where participants had to re-create a picture in Sky. You can still check out the winners to see everyone's attempts at this!

The registration for SKYENCE INNOVATIONS is now closed, participants have until the 27th to submit their inventions. The submissions will be shared after judging is finished so get ready to see everyone's innovation for this contest!

The Registration for their Floral fashions event just closed. Participants have to design a flower themed outfit inspired by Days of Bloom.


They are hosting another round of guessing the next traveling spirit! The first 10 people to guess correctly get 1 heart if they get the spirit or season right and 3 hearts if they got both correct

Note: this segment is from Discord communities that are listed in the Windpaths and have agreed to be a part of the public listing. You can find communities that are not hosting events or in our public listing on our server:SkyPaths


Ancient Memories

Admire the Sapling Task

If you've been playing Sky for more then a week odds are you've run into the Admire the sapling task. This task was added during Days of Bloom 2021 and the tree used to be much smaller.

The Tree was made bigger during Days of Bloom 2022 and the light seeker spirits now watched over the tree with you. This task hasn't been changed since but is a well known part of the Task rotation now.


Thank you for reading!
