« Windpaths Weekly »


June 2nd, 2024


The friends nesting challenge will open up tomorrow!

This week is traveling spirit week! The TS will be revealed in #"Sky: Children of the Light" on Tuesday. TGC also shared a hint for where the next two traveling spirits might be:

New Season

The next Season is already being tested in beta! There's a lot of exciting things to look forward to. This will be Sky's 22nd season. TGC shared what the logo for next season is recently and some have pointed out that it looks similar to a sign used in musical notation. What do you think it could be?

Sky fest news

TGC recently shared more news about the ticket sales for the in-person part of Sky fest that will be in Tokyo, Japan! This will be an in-game and in-person event and there's a lot of cool and fun activities planned that attendees can join. You can read more about the tickets here: http://bit.ly/SkyFestUpdateDisc


Communities in Flight


They will be holding their TS guessing event again this week! The first 10 people to guess either the right spirit or season will get one heart. Participants that get both the spirit and season right will get 3 hearts.

Aurora 2.0 🌟

Their mega concert gathering yesterday had 1755 Skykids! Their next mega concert gathering will be Saturday, July 6, 2024 1:00 PM EST.

Note: this segment is from Discord communities that are listed in the Windpaths and have agreed to be a part of the public listing. You can find communities that are not hosting events or in our public listing on our server:SkyPaths


Ancient Memories

Days of Healing

This was a one time days of event that happened May 18- June 22 in 2020. This event was a charity event that benefited Doctors Without Borders during the Covid-19 crisis. This event featured an IAP flower that was $20 USD and came with 75 candles as well as a double heart event.


Thank you for reading!
